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#5 Betrayal and Arrest.jpg

The religious leaders hated Jesus because He was full of God’s wisdom and understood the Holy Scriptures better than any of them. They were afraid of losing their power and control, because many people began to follow Jesus as His popularity grew.  They needed to get rid of Jesus. In order to arrest Jesus out of sight from the crowds, they conspired with one of Jesus’ disciples, Judas. They paid him 30 silver coins to betray Jesus into their hands this night. Judas told the religious leader’s soldiers that they would know who Jesus was because he would greet Jesus with a kiss. Judas led the angry mob to the garden.  Immediately after Judas kissed Jesus, the soldiers grabbed Him!  Peter drew his sword and cut off the chief priest’s servants’ ear.  Even then, Jesus showed love for His enemies by healing the man’s ear. Jesus said to them, “What is this, coming after me with swords and clubs as if I were a dangerous criminal? Day after day I’ve been sitting in the temple teaching and you never so much as lifted a hand against me. What you in fact have done, is confirm the prophetic writings.”  After this, all the disciples fled, leaving Jesus alone with his captors.

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